Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Primary Cause Of Hemroids Is Pressure

If you see blood on the toilet bowl, toilet paper or on your stool then most likely you are suffering from Hemroids. To be sure you may consult and have yourself checked by a medical professional. Bleeding on the stool does not necessarily mean hemroids. It is also a sign of other health problems or condition.Hemroids affect about 50% of the American population. In most cases are men. Studies reveal that more men suffer from hemroids because of the low fiber content of what they eat.

The primary cause of hemroids is pressure, pressure made on the anal area. This pressure makes the blood vessels swell and protrude right in the anal opening or even inside.

The most prone to hemroids are pregnant women because of the pressure made from the weight of the unborn child on the lower parts of the pregnant woman's body.

Things That Cause Pressure

Some of the things that cause pressure on the anal area are:

- Lifting heavy things
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Prolonged sitting or standing

The number one cause among these is constipation. The strain of trying to move stool for elimination puts pressure on the canal tissue causing the strangulation of blood and the swelling of blood vessels. Once this happens swelling and the obvious protrusion of a grape like cluster or single lump appears. These are sensitive protrusions and they bring a lot of pain and discomfort.

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