Saturday, January 10, 2009

Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment

You will be pleased to note that natural hemorrhoids treatment is not uncommon and has been proven to be highly effective in many cases.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from hemorrhoids, you should visit your physician to ensure a proper diagnosis before you set out to follow your natural hemorrhoids treatment. Many serious maladies have the same symptoms as internal hemorrhoids such as colon or rectal cancer, so it would be prudent to know what your condition actually is. If you doctor has agreed and diagnosed you with hemorrhoids, you can begin to explore the natural hemorrhoid treatment that will suit your recovery best. If your doctor is insistent on prescribing such chemicals as hydrocortisone, you should seek a second opinion. This predilection for prescribing chemicals has only served to develop more nasty side effects and even the development of new bacterium such as the deadly MRSA. Many physicians have begun to see the light, so it shouldn’t be that difficult in finding a medical professional that would prescribe a natural hemorrhoids treatment.

Most natural hemorrhoids treatments are very similar to preventative treatments and can include such things as exercises and herbal supplements. For instance, there are workout regimens that allow you to strengthen your anal musculature. This allows you to pass your movements without the worry of anal damage and stretching. Beyond working your core muscles, the doctor may also suggest that you step up your fiber intake. Plantains are a small member of the banana family and are grown mostly in tropical areas and can grow as far north as Florida. This small exotic fruit is the perfect source for fiber and can be eaten daily to ensure the softening of stool to prevent the exacerbation of existing hemorrhoids. Pysllium seed husks are another option for increasing the fiber in your diet and have the same effect on your stool that plantains do.

Another natural hemorrhoids treatment component is chamomile tea. Chamomile is a flower that has long been distilled to create relaxing mixes that allow you to decrease your stress. Stress is a large factor in the development of hemorrhoids and is a major player in exacerbating the condition. With drinking at least a cup of chamomile tea a day, you will decrease your stress and allow your body to keep the nutrients it requires to speed your healing process.

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