Butcher’s broom is an herb not unlike the asparagus plant that is found in Europe and a member of the Rosacea family. Its pine-tipped leaves are ground up and used as nutritional supplements for individuals suffering from such maladies as chronic venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Butcher’s broom is especially good for the herbal hemorrhoids treatment as it serves to strengthen the vein walls. This is good news, as the origin of hemorrhoids deals with the enlargement of vessel walls due to their weakness. Horse chestnut is a tree of the genus Aesculus and can be found in many varieties in both North America and Eurasia. Known as Buckeyes in North America and Horse Chestnuts in Eurasia, this tree has long been used as a natural medicinal ingredient to relieve rectal pain. This freeing element allows you to live your life more comfortably as you continue your healing process.
Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme that can be found in the Bromiliaceae family of plants. The Venezuelan chemist, Vicente Marcano in 1891, first isolated Bromelain but it was only introduced as a medicinal treatment component in 1957. It was used primarily in the treatment of arthritis, sinusitis and phlebitis for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has only been recently considered for the treatment of other medical conditions. Pineapples are members of the Bromiliaceae family and are an excellent source for herbal hemorrhoids treatment. With the help of bromelain, you can reduce the swelling of your hemorrhoids and speed your healing process. Bromelain has also been noted to reduce blood clotting which is the cause of more severe hemorrhoid cases.
Styphnolobium, also known as the Japanese pagoda tree, is historically the object of the famous Japanese art of bonsai gardening. The Japanese pagoda tree is also a part of the fundamental herbs used in classical Chinese medicine. The flowers and buds can be ground up by an expert to produce mixtures that are not only diuretic and anti-bacterial, but these mixtures are also known as anti-inflammatory. Even though the Japanese pagoda tree is an excellent source for an herbal hemorrhoids treatment, professionals must prepare it as improper preparation can result in a potentially poisonous concoction.
Aloe Vera juice at 99% purity can be consumed by someone suffering from hemorrhoids and will provide relief from itching and swelling. This treatment can be carried out multiple times during the day, but check with your physician before attempting this herbal hemorrhoids treatment to ensure that you are getting the proper dosage.