Sunday, January 11, 2009

Choose Your Herbal Hemorrhoids Treatment

People are searching for the natural route and finding with great success that herbal hemorrhoids treatment is highly effective and entirely natural. So in this search, what herbal hemorrhoids treatment is right for you?

Butcher’s broom is an herb not unlike the asparagus plant that is found in Europe and a member of the Rosacea family. Its pine-tipped leaves are ground up and used as nutritional supplements for individuals suffering from such maladies as chronic venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Butcher’s broom is especially good for the herbal hemorrhoids treatment as it serves to strengthen the vein walls. This is good news, as the origin of hemorrhoids deals with the enlargement of vessel walls due to their weakness.

Horse chestnut is a tree of the genus Aesculus and can be found in many varieties in both North America and Eurasia. Known as Buckeyes in North America and Horse Chestnuts in Eurasia, this tree has long been used as a natural medicinal ingredient to relieve rectal pain. This freeing element allows you to live your life more comfortably as you continue your healing process.

Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme that can be found in the Bromiliaceae family of plants. The Venezuelan chemist, Vicente Marcano in 1891, first isolated Bromelain but it was only introduced as a medicinal treatment component in 1957. It was used primarily in the treatment of arthritis, sinusitis and phlebitis for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has only been recently considered for the treatment of other medical conditions. Pineapples are members of the Bromiliaceae family and are an excellent source for herbal hemorrhoids treatment. With the help of bromelain, you can reduce the swelling of your hemorrhoids and speed your healing process. Bromelain has also been noted to reduce blood clotting which is the cause of more severe hemorrhoid cases.

Styphnolobium, also known as the Japanese pagoda tree, is historically the object of the famous Japanese art of bonsai gardening. The Japanese pagoda tree is also a part of the fundamental herbs used in classical Chinese medicine. The flowers and buds can be ground up by an expert to produce mixtures that are not only diuretic and anti-bacterial, but these mixtures are also known as anti-inflammatory. Even though the Japanese pagoda tree is an excellent source for an herbal hemorrhoids treatment, professionals must prepare it as improper preparation can result in a potentially poisonous concoction.

Aloe Vera juice at 99% purity can be consumed by someone suffering from hemorrhoids and will provide relief from itching and swelling. This treatment can be carried out multiple times during the day, but check with your physician before attempting this herbal hemorrhoids treatment to ensure that you are getting the proper dosage.

What Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Half the battle in combating hemorrhoids is knowing what hemorrhoids symptoms to look for before it is too late for an easy non-invasive treatment.

Hemorrhoids are the result of enlarged vessels around your anus and along your anal track. These engorged vessels protrude in fleshy clumps and for the first while, merely exist. If left long they begin to either block passage, or protrude to the point where it is uncomfortable or even painful to sit. You can spot the beginnings of this condition by physically checking the area around your anus for any bumps or lumps. You may also feel a persistent itching in the area around your anus. If you discover any these hemorrhoids symptoms, you should make an appointment with your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment regimen to deal with your hemorrhoids symptoms. External hemorrhoids may also bleed, so if you discovered bloody discharge in your undergarments, you should seek out your physician as well.

As stated before, hemorrhoids can develop along your anal tract. This version of hemorrhoids is harder to spot, but you can identify it through its own set of hemorrhoids symptoms. If you have difficulty and discomfort while experiencing bowel movements, this may be a sign that you have internal hemorrhoids. If you start to spot flecks or patches of blood in your stool after bowel movements, chances are that this is a manifestation of hemorrhoids symptoms. You should make sure to contact your physician immediately to ensure a proper diagnosis. You should be aware that internal hemorrhoids symptoms are exactly like the symptoms of far more serious maladies such as colon and rectal cancer. Therefore it would be prudent to clear your schedule for the next available appointment at your doctor’s office.

External Hemorrhoids And Its Symptoms

External hemorrhoids are a condition of varicose veins. These swollen or dilated vessels protrude around the anus in fleshy clumps. These clumps can grow to block the anus, making bowel movements an excruciating affair. Even if they don’t cause an impasse, external hemorrhoids can be quite uncomfortable, making sitting a chore for even the shortest amount of time. Some cases of external hemorrhoids result in breakage or laceration, causing the external hemorrhoids to bleed persistently. Not only does this do damage to clothing and is a great source of embarrassment, bleeding external hemorrhoids are highly susceptible to infection, which could lead to more serious maladies. It’s fairly easy to tell if you have external hemorrhoids, as there is a distinct physical manifestation of their presence.

However, many sufferers go on oblivious to their condition until it requires a serious recovery regimen. External hemorrhoids that are caught early can be eliminated with such solutions as topical creams, diet changes and exercise geared to strengthen core body muscle groups. Other natural remedies work well at this stage such as chamomile teas, witch hazel and butcher’s broom. By doing a little online research you will find a plethora of natural treatments available that are considered to be effective in treating conditions of external hemorrhoids.

If left too long, external hemorrhoids may require invasive procedures. These procedures may include such processes as a hemorrhoidectomy or rubber ligation. A hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure carried out by your doctor where the external hemorrhoids are physically removed with a scalpel. This procedure is painful and takes a while to recover from, but has a good track record of eliminating your hemorrhoids when other processes fail. Rubber ligation is a process where a rubber band is wrapped around the external hemorrhoid and tightened to cut off the blood flow. The external hemorrhoid withers and then falls off. This process is less painful, but takes longer and is a little uncomfortable until the hemorrhoid falls off.

The Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment That Best Suits Your Needs

Regardless of your bleeding hemorrhoids condition, you should always keep your physician informed of your progress to ensure that your bleeding hemorrhoids treatment is the best one for you.

Many hemorrhoids sufferers have found that the natural approach to bleeding hemorrhoids treatment has the best effect in the alleviation of symptoms and elimination of the condition. There are many methods out there for the patient to take advantage of, but there are only a few natural procedures that provide the results you may be looking for, so you should consult with your physician to find the proper mode of treatment. If you are looking for the natural route, there are some examples of a bleeding hemorrhoids treatment that you can perform in the privacy of your own home.

First off, before you start any bleeding hemorrhoids treatment, ensure that you are not suffering from either colon or rectal cancer, as these conditions can manifest themselves in a fashion similar to bleeding hemorrhoids. Sanitation is an important aspect to bleeding hemorrhoids treatment that many patients have found to alleviate the symptoms allowing them to heal faster without infection. Sanitation can be completed with such things as sitz baths that allow the wound to bleed out cleanly and allows you to keep the area free from dried blood and discharge. Witch hazel has been known to effective in this process. After every bath, bowel movement or showering activity, you should ensure that you pat the area dry. Rubbing only exacerbates the condition and can cause infection to set in. After patting dry, wipe the anal area with a witch hazel pad, warm wet cotton cloth or sterile baby wipe. Again, pat the area dry. Remember, sanitation is the key in treating hemorrhoids and allows you the comfort you desire while you heal from this discomforting condition.

If you are still experiencing bleeding, you may want to further your bleeding hemorrhoids treatment with rubber ligation. This method utilizes a rubber band that is wrapped around the base of your bleeding hemorrhoids and tightened until it cuts off the blood flow to the area. Not only will this eliminate the bleeding, but it will also cause the hemorrhoids to wither and fall off.

Hemorrhoids Have Been With Us A Long Time

In fact, there are writings dated back to ancient Babylon describing that embarrassing and painful condition.
Physicians have been attempting to remedy this ever since with such methods as poultice application, encouraging bed rest and even using a red-hot poker. Patients with this malady were understandably reticent about receiving treatment, as most of it was ineffective if not more painful than the condition itself.
Then in the 1800s, doctors began to experiment further into the treatment of hemorrhoids with injections of iron sulphate, which provided some relief from the condition.
Soon doctors were recommending a regimen of abstinence from such things as alcohol and recommending things such as cold spring water enema after having abstained from food. Needless to say, there have been many things tried to alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the condition.